Wondering How Much A Destination Wedding Would Cost? Check This Now.

Never ever would a couple want to scrap their wedding plan until they find that it’s a costly affair. 

Recently, a study revealed that Britons spent around 27487€ on their weddings last year i.e. 2017.

Similarly, we come to know that a whopping 38437€ was spent by Americans in 2017 for their wedding plus honeymoon. 

Among several favorite destinations in Europe, Spain stands as one of the ideal choices for destination weddings. 

Want to know how much Spain cost?

Considering the wedding costs, minus flights, accommodations, and transfers, the figure may come around 21000-25000€, which is significantly less than the American and British Weddings.

Here, we would like to put an idea. 

The amount provided in the above is speculative and based on random figures suggested by people. The figures could go down as low as 10000€ depending on the number of persons invited to the wedding. 

So, how to find the truth?

Well, the wedding planners in the country may help you. As you search for getting married abroad packages, you may well discover a handful of reputable wedding planners in the region. Remember, you are yet to ascertain the costs till your heart’s content. 

Since the planners are the ones with a fierce knowledge about the country’s venues, locations, vendors, and others, they can provide a clear preview. If you can provide the number of guests for the wedding, they would offer a cumulative figure (including taxes) based on that. The expenses would include food, DJ & Music, Bar, Photography, Cake, Flowers and Decorations, Wedding Venue, and so on. 

As of now, you can configure the best from the available range of cheap wedding packages abroad and compare the same with other packages in the lineup, particularly from different planners.


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